Friday, July 13, 2007

All-Time-Favourite Garden Combo

I have never been particularly successful at putting together pleasing plant combinations. Inevitably, the colours or heights or textures just don't work together. I'm getting a bit better at it but feel I've got a long way to go. That's why I'm always so pleased at this time of year when the globe thistle and purple coneflowers are blooming in tandem. I'm not sure if this combo is pleasing to everyone, but it's just awesome as far as I'm concerned.

I consider myself a city girl through and through. But something about this combination of blooms makes me want to run off and live on the Prairies. Wide expanses of flat land with a breeze blowing through the fields of wheat and corn. A pick-up truck on a dusty road. A lemonade at the local diner. And nothing but peace and quiet for miles around. I'm sure the reality of country living is different from my dream version. But then if a city garden isn't meant to inspire dreams, what is it good for really?


Ziggywigs said...

Great post. So glad you found out what your tree was but it's a shame that it's got to go. I've heard of these trees of heaven before and they are pretty tenacious. Hope you win the battle.

Anonymous said...

Nice combo. With an ornamental prairie grass thrown into the mix, I bet it would be even better.

I'm inspired by your photo and will have to remember to add eryngium (similar to your globe thistle) to my echinacea patch next year.

Jeremy said...

Looks great. I like the contrast of the shapes.

Connie said...

Those do look good together! For a city girl, your dream of country life is amazingly accurate....made me homesick for the windy, wheat-covered plains of N. Dak. where I grew up at the end of a dusty country road. I even miss that old pick up truck.... Smile.

Chitweed said...

I like the combo very much, both for color and the textures. Good choices.

Gardenista said...

Yes, that is a nice combo! I am waiting for the first Echinacea bloom here up north (in the non-city life, I might add). It's nice to have plants that attract butterflies in the midst of the city too!