Friday, March 14, 2008

More Canada Blooms

Here's another wonderful tulip display from Canada Blooms. Clearly, whoever designed this didn't face the challenge of city squirrels. While it must be great to grow flowers in ideal conditions without real-life difficulties, I'm sure it cuts down on the number of amusing anecdotes one has to share with fellow gardeners. That's half the fun isn't it?

Here's another fun shoe-planting. Anyone who thinks this might be a good project for the summer should head over to The Crafty Gardener. The first time a saw a shoe-planting was on Crafty's blog. She has a beautiful example of garden shoes planted with hens and chicks right there on her main page.

This little fairy garden was called "Soul Mates" (or was that "Sole Mates?") My four-year old nearly hit the ceiling with excitement when I showed her this picture. She continues to examine the image carefully trying to determine if the fairies are real. Too cute.

While we're on the topic of cute, check out this scotch moss. It was planted under a rhododendron and really caught my eye.

Some darling little paperwhites. I've never grown them myself and love the way they look. Everything I've heard about the fragrance is true...they're a bit stinky.

This massive planter was part of the celebrity door display. It belonged to Rex Harrington of the National Ballet of Canada. I liked it a lot but can anyone imagine having to move this thing?

I got to see Canada Blooms for free by volunteering at the show. My ice-cream selling shift was a breeze. I met the very lovely Sue from Port Hope. For three hours we supplied Haagen-Dazs dreams to the gardening masses (Almond Caramel Crunch was the hands-down favourite) while chatting about our own gardens and Sue's chickens. Sue, if you find my blog, cheers to you. For any other would-be volunteers, I say go for it. It's super easy to sign-up. It's nice to feel like you're really part of the show. And, there was a lovely parting gift: a one-year subscription to "A Gardening Life." I totally wasn't expecting that, so thank you Canada Blooms.

Now for my one big criticism: while I really enjoyed gawking at all the exhibits, I can't say any of them really inspired me. In fact, I would say the show as a whole was wildly uninspiring. It just felt a little impersonal. The feature gardens all came across as made-to-order, instant gardens that could be yours for the right price. Nothing wrong with dreaming the big dream but I think I'll stick to my 20-year plan and nurture a garden that is really about me.


Linda said...

Thanks for the mention of my planted shoes on my blog. I've seen a few photos of various things at Canada Blooms that I already have in my garden or had already discovered at garden junking sites. What a great way to get in to see the show. I've done the same thing with various events and shows around my home town.

Unknown said...

Exactly how I felt about Blooms when I went a few years ago. Not overly inspiring except for some of the plants (it was the year the new Meadowbrite echinaceas arrived on the scene here.)

O.I.M said...

Hi crafty, I think I'd volunteer again..but maybe for only one shift instead of two.

jodi, the show was very well organized and there was tons to see. it really was a good event. But there was no "wow" factor. I expressed more "wows" on an open gardens tour last year. i think it boils down to the difference between gardens as a commodity to be had versus gardens as a form of personal expression.


Kylee Baumle said...

How fun to get to work and be a part of a show!

Iowa Gardening Woman said...

My husband hates the smell of paperwhites, I however love the each their own :)