The first bloom of the year! Hurray! This snowdrop in the backyard garden made my day.

Inside, the kitchen greenhouse is good to go. I had planned only to assemble it today. Then it occurred to me that a seed station isn't much without some seeds. Good thing I picked some up at
William Dam Seeds last weekend.

It's still a bit early for planting so I decided to start with peppers because they need a good, long growing season. I haven't had much luck with peppers in the past (I have only ever successfully harvested one bell pepper over two seasons as a veggie gardener.) I love them enough to try again. Up first is Hungarian Hot Wax. Look at those colours! The pepper is described as long and tapered with medium heat. It starts off yellow and turns orange red.

I simply could not resist the Flame Hybrid. The presentation on the seed packet made me stop and look twice. The peppers are described as very pungent and hot; 12 cm long and just over 1cm wide. It is a Thai pepper. I love Thai food!
The sun is shining down brightly on the kitchen greenhouse and those pepper seeds as I type this. Would it be too much of a garden cliche to declare that this is going to best garden season ever?
I am so ready for seed starting! Will be planting petunia and peppers tomorrow.
EVERY year is the best garden season ever, that is the hope of the perpetual gardener.
Hooray for the first bloom! It's so nice to see the fresh green things again.
Hey there girl ! We have the same little green house : ) Mine is still in the box .. but I plan on putting it up on the deck to protect plants as I buy them until it is time to plant them : ) No room in my house to set it up for a seed started but you are going to do a great job with it there !
Joy : )
Congrats on winning the seeds : )
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