Wednesday, March 30, 2011

More Crocus

The crocus have a heavy burden to carry this spring. I'm relying on them exclusively to brighten what feels like the longest March in history.

Predictably, the crocus are more than up to the job. Only one more stinking day in this interminable month. I'm looking forward to April showers and warm temperatures. Let the gardening begin!

Although it seems far too early, I got a jump start on my raised bed vegetable gardens. I planted two types of spinach, swiss chard, radishes, bok choy and three types of lettuce. The raised beds are right next to a massive cinder block wall that catches the heat of the sun all day. I'm taking my chances that the micro-climate this creates will let me start harvesting a few weeks earlier than I usually do. If it doesn't work, I'll start again in a few weeks.


Helen said...

Jealous! Not a single crocus in our neck of the woods, though we do have snowdrops. Are these 'Violet Queen'? They're loverly.

O.I.M said...

The crocus are of an unknown variety...planted back in the day when I threw out plant tags and labels. But "Violet Queen" would suit them fine :)

Sunray Gardens said...

Crocus always look so pretty but I don't have any in my yard. I hope your veggies do for you. Good luck.
Goldenray Yorkies