I haven't planted any climbers on the fence because I keep expecting it to fall over at any second. This year, the raccoons have pushed aside one of the boards making it easy to get from yard to yard. A few years ago, an entire panel of boards did fall down. It was blown over by a strong wind. But the neighbours weren't interested in getting a new fence. So I kept finding ways to hold it together. Actually, let's give that credit to my father. A career as an electrician on big construction sites has left him with all sorts of materials that provide on-the-spot fence mending solutions. The man knows what he's doing. The fence has been standing for about nine years longer that I expected it too.
The bare fence facade leaves me aching for all sorts of climbers. Clematis, of which I have none (I know...I'm deprived), will be the first purchase. I also dream of a climbing rose or two. Once the garage is up, I intend to plant an ivy to cover the wall that will fill the existing hole in the fence. And dare I dream it? Might there be room for a wisteria.
I grimace at the thought of a large construction project such as that of my neighbours shattering the peace of my summer. But I have to keep my eye on the ultimate goal: the dream fence and all the climbers that come with it.
Hope you get that new fence soon. I can vision all sorts of wonderful things hanging from the fence and beautiful vines climbing up it. Gotta make the most of all the gardening space that is available.
No frost out our way (close to Belleville) but just in case I did move some pots of fuschia and coleous into the garage overnight.
Hello crafty gardner. Thanks for dropping by. I can't wait to make the most of all my gardening space. Sadly, I suspect a new fence might have to wait until the fall. But as the saying goes, good things come to those who wait.
June Frost!?!?!?! And here I complained about a late February frost! I really like your garden with the bird bath, especially the alliums. I have a similar setup in my garden and after seeing yours, I think I will try some.
Hi wicked gardener. I see you're down in Florida. I had no idea there was frost in Florida. Live and learn. Thanks for dropping by.
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