Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Crocus Not As Advertised

It's great to see the crocus in bloom.  These were unexpected, however.  Planted last fall, the bulbs were a promising, new and exciting addition to the garden.

This is what I was hoping for. I'm not sure if these yellow-flowered bulbs were mislabelled or if the orange ones never came up and I'm now mistaking them for the yellow ones. It's easy to lose track of all the crocus in the garden. Has anyone ever seen an "Orange Monarch" in bloom?

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

First Crocus

First Crocus
After the first real winter we have had in about four years, the sight of the first crocus is more welcome than ever.  The tradition continues:  I have no idea what variety this is.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Attention Toronto Gardeners

My Roots Run Deep has been dormant for some time, but with good reason.  This gardener has been busy blogging for a great Toronto garden club.  Please check out the North Toronto Horticultural Society blog for upcoming meetings and lots of great garden information and advice.  And don't hesitate to stop by and say hello.  We get together every month at the Toronto Botanical Garden which is easy to get to by either car or transit.