Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Army of Invaders

The brussel sprouts spent much of the summer looking great, even "architectural," in the potager. But upon closer inspection...(WARNING: sensitive readers may wish to avert their eyes)...

Mealy aphids! An army of them! I don't generally get squeamish at the sight of bugs, but this infestation struck me as really GROSS.

Such a shame really. The sprouts were coming along so nicely. Now they're headed for the city compost heap. I would grow brussel sprouts again mainly because they are really cool looking plants. Next time (if there is a next time!) I'll go in with a better companion planting plan. Or better yet, I'll get my sprouts at the grocery store.


Ottawa Gardener said...

Oh no! I tried growing brussel sprouts last year and I have say that the meet their reputation as being hardy surviving in a coldframe the entire winter in Ottawa only to go to fluffy buds in the spring. I hope I never get mealey aphids.

Gardenista said...

Yucky! I've always wondered about growing my own brussel sprouts. Maybe I'll try sometime just to watch them grow and hope they don't get bugs. Maybe you could try those light row covers that protect your plant from insects?

Connie said...

Some good companion plants for brussels sprouts are geraniums, dill, onion, garlic, rosemary, nasturtiums, and borage. A wonderful book on the subject is Great Garden Companions by Sally Jean Cunningham.
Don't give up...I think you should try again!

Iowa Gardening Woman said...

I never could get a Brussels sprout crop...........